The Wildlife

The highly diversified land and water resources create an excellent environment for attracting and retaining wildlife.  The requirements of solitude, food (hard mast and soft mass), water and shelter are all present. Another critical element for excellent wildlife habitat is the transition areas between various forest cover types, fields, cut-overs etc.  This land has an excessive amount of "edge effect" directly due to professional management. 


This property is some of the finest Minnesota whitetail deer habitat with its rolling ridges, pinch points, funnels, natural grassy fields, food plots, water resources, remoteness, clear cuts, and mature oaks.  It has been managed for that as a primary purpose.


On the various waters it is not uncommon to witness swans, loons, ducks, geese, otters, beaver, muskrats and many species of non-game birds.  Upland birds on the property include grouse, turkey, owls, hawks, woodcocks, eagles, and the large pileated woodpeckers. 


We have numerous game cameras operating year around scattered around the property for both security and to capture the activities of the wildlife. This has provided us with thousands of pictures of deer, bear, bobcats, wolves, fishers, coyotes, fox, raccoons and a host of other critters. It is amazing the use the wildlife gets out of the extensive trail system. Year around they use them like highways. Perhaps, it's because we planted many of the trails with various grasses and clovers and keep them mowed and well maintained.